- Students should come to school regularly in neat and clean uniform. Repeated absence for more than 10 days may render the child’s name struck off the roll.
- Students must be punctual in school. Late comers of more than three times (ie, the fourth time) will not be allowed to enter the campus.
- Students must participate in the assembly heartily with etiquette and discipline.
- Students must be attentive in the classes. They must do their class/home work regularly and properly.
- Students should bring their diary daily and note down for compliance of the assignments/instructions given by the class/subject teacher. Diary must be shown to the parents daily for their contribution.
- Students are not allowed to leave the school campus during school hours except in special condition with the written permission of Principal.
- Keeping or use of cell phones, camera, i-pods or other electronic gadgets in school campus is strictly prohibited and punishable.
- Misbehavior with school mates, teachers and staff, damage to school property or any act of indiscipline by students will attract severe punishment amounting to suspension or dismissal from the school with the remark in their personal record.
- Students should keep their classrooms clean & tidy making use of dustbins. They must maintain silence and discipline in school.
10.They must take care of their belongings, should also learn to pack their bags at home by their own. - Minimum 80% attendance is compulsory for promotion. Parents are requested to send an application, if the student gets absent from school.
- Students suffering from infectious, contagious diseases or serious illness should not be sent to school.
- Only English is allowed to be spoken in classes and school campus.